EUL 8 Load-dependent voltage regulation of a power transmission line
EUL 8 Load-dependent voltage regulation of a power transmission line

In this experiment the response of a three-phase variable transformer connected up as an autotransformer is investigated operating in conjunction with a power transmission line model including connected load. Due to the enormous increase in photovoltaically generated electricity being fed to the low-voltage power grid, in some areas there is a lot of fluctuation under changing conditions of sunlight and loading. Such fluctuations can be compensated for with the help of a controllable local grid.
Training content:
- Voltage range of a three-phase variable transformer in autoconnected regulating configuration
- No-load and short-circuit response of the autotransformer
- Combination of three-phase variable transformer and line model including connected load
- Automatic voltage adjustment for random load currents
- Step-up transformer
- Step-down transformer