The CAN fault simulator can be integrated into any CAN-bus data line. The actual fault circuit is located inside a lockable lid where eight switches are used to enable the standard ISO faults.
The following faults can be activated:
Break CAN-Low
Break CAN-High
Fault to battery positive CAN-Low
Fault to earth CAN-High
Fault to earth Can-Low
Fault to battery positive CAN-High
Fault CAN-High to CAN-Low
500 Ohm resistance in CAN-High line
Panel description
Compatible to Low-Speed and High-Speed CAN-bus (ISO 11898-2 and ISO 11898-3)
Operating voltage 12V/13.8V
Inputs: 2 mm measurement sockets and 4-mm safety sockets
Outputs: 2 mm measurement sockets and 4-mm safety sockets
Vehicle-specific terminal designation
Continuous power supply via terminal 30 and 15 in the upper region
Continuous ground via terminal 31 in the lower region
Coloured screen printing
Dimension: 297 x 114 x 60mm
Weight 1.0 kg