InsTrain wiring installation training system
- EGT 1 Building service entry
- EGT 2 Wiring installation for lighting and appliance circuits
- EGT 7 Industrial electricity distribution
- EGI 1 Project work "Building service entry with main distribution box"
- EGI 2 Project work "Lighting and appliance circuits installed embedded in plaster"
- EGI 3 Projektarbeit "Gebäudesystemtechnik / Smart Home"Der Gebäudesystemtrainer „Gebäudesystemtechn

InsTrain wiring installation training system
The InsTrain Multimedia Installation Lab is a computer-based training and experiment system designed for training and further education in installing electrical wiring.
The InsTrain wiring installation training system is a unique, comprehensive experiment hardware system with an interface and multimedia training programs. It is conceived in such a way so as to integrate cognitive and hands-on training into an overall concept linking together theory and practice and thus allowing specific targeting of handling skills. A host of multimedia courses, starting from the basics and extending up to advanced topics, is available for schools, vocational colleges and training of engineers.
Multimedia-based, animated training units lead through the theory and provide instructions for conducting experiments. This allows trainees to work unsupervised, although the system also allows teachers and training staff the freedom to intervene at any juncture according to the needs of students.
The system’s multimedia learning environment and the large proportion of independent learning ensure high levels of motivation in students and maximise their degree of success in learning the material to guarantee that topics are learned effectively and efficiently. Access to the multimedia courses along with the control of virtual instruments and fault simulation is provided by LabSoft, the system’s open experimentation platform. The courses convey the theoretical background and allow for experiments to be performed using the appropriate hardware for the course. The hardware includes an intelligent interface with a USB port, which provides the capacity to make high-quality measurements when used in conjunction with the system’s integrated virtual instruments. In addition, the progress of students can be checked by having them identify a variety of simulated faults or by means of knowledge tests. All results can be documented electronically.
With the aid of the integrated fault simulation capability, students can be given various exercises in which they can use typical measuring equipment to trace faults and document their results. The interactive training and experiment software can be used by students to test their knowledge and it also provides feedback regarding the results of experiments. All experiments can be undertaken with the fault simulation switched on or off. By combining the various simulated faults, a large number of exercises can be devised.
LabSoft INSTRAIN courses
The InsTrain system has numerous wiring installation training systems available for the various aspects of electrical wiring, each in a package including a multimedia course. All the training programs run in a special course browser (LabSoft) providing control, management and display of the training program itself, plus a set of virtual instruments. InsTrain courses train practical skills by teaching the theoretical background and then guide students through multiple measurements to be carried out on the installed system. Thus, the measurement interface is integrated with the training program. With the help of virtual instruments as well as using commercial measuring equipment, the installation can be analysed and the results of measurements stored directly in the training program.
Wiring installation training system with pre-configured modules and installations for carrying out measurements as specified in the course or for any other experiments
Measuring points easily accessible via 4 mm safety sockets
Systematic fault-finding, ability to activate simulated faults via relay and USB interface (password-protected)
Common circuitry providing high degree of relevance to practice
Interactive, HTML-based multimedia courses for teaching theoretical knowledge and practical skills
Theory, experiment instructions, experiment results, fault finding, self-testing questions and sample solutions
Animations, graphics and pictures explaining theory and experiments
All courses can be edited with the aid of an HTML editor
LabSoft browser with menu bar, navigation and display windows for display and execution of all InsTrain courses
Virtual instruments (VIs) for real-time measurements or generating output signals
Navigation to anywhere within a course or between different courses
User-specific documentation, evaluation and storage of experiment results
Management of courses, users and user groups
Option to integrate planning software, course editors etc. into menu
Option to include and display courses of your own design