Ignition system in the petrol engine / spark ignition (UniTrain)

Ignition system in the petrol engine / spark ignition (UniTrain)

To ignite the air-fuel mixture, combustion engines have always needed an ignition system. Nowadays such ignition systems have become extremely complex and precise in order to comply with emission standards while at the same time enabling modern combustion engines to unleash their tremendous power. With our training system the trainees come to grips with these topics early on and can use the UniTrain-I system to learn on their own and at their own speed how the ignition system is designed, what can go wrong and how this can be identified. Trainees also learn to carry out diagnostics and maintenance in the area of engine management.

List of articles:
Course: Pulse generation and ignition systems in vehicles
Course: Pulse generation and ignition systems in vehicles CO4204-7C
Additionally required:
The UniTrain-I system is a computer-based training and experimentation system for vocational and further training and education in the areas of...   more
UniTrain Interface with virtual instruments (basic VI)
UniTrain Interface with virtual instruments (basic VI) CO4203-2A
UniTrain measurement accessories, shunts and connection cables
UniTrain measurement accessories, shunts and connection cables CO4203-2J
Additionally recommended:
UniTrain storage case for experiment board
UniTrain storage case for experiment board SO4203-2V