EPE 30-1 Line commutated converter circuits 1kW
EPE 30-1 Line commutated converter circuits 1kW

Line-commutated converters permit power to be fed from an AC or three-phase system to a DC circuit. These can be designed for operation in controlled mode using thyristors and triacs or uncontrolled mode using diodes.
Training objectives:
- Fundamentals of the diode, thyristor, triac
- Rectification
- Control principles: phase-control, full-wave control, burst firing control, pulse pattern control, rectifier operation, inverter operation
- Circuits: M1, M2, M3, B2, B6, M1C, M2C, M3C, B2C, B6C, B2HA, B2HK, B2HZ, B6C, B6HA, B6HK, W1C, W3C
- Resistive and inductive loads
- Control characteristics and operating graphs
- Snubber circuit
- Computer-assisted data acquisition
- Frequency analysis and examination of harmonics